Gravitational Pressure (for layperson)


To Edwin Hubble the universe looked like it was expanding, and to this day, most scientists, including Hawking, say that no matter where you are in the universe it looks identical.  Due to the overwhelming probability that these generations’ of genius are correct, it would be fair to say that IT IS expanding, at least as far as observations and mathematics can tell us.  The notion of expansion can only lead in one direction when looking back in time, to an inevitable beginning, the Big Bang.

An inflationary model of the universe is now the most commonly accepted theory accredited to the birth of the universe and our current accelerated state of expansion.  This theory however is wrought with anomalies that call into question the theory itself.  Scientists, while satisfied in a mathematical sense, continue on baffled by certain aspects of this model (and if you really think about it, a universe of matter born from nothing sounds a bit far fetched, no matter how much negative energy Hawking pumps into his theories)

“It’s hard to believe we would have ended up this way if it were not the intent of God to create beings like us” – Stephen Hawking talking about the improbability of the Big Bang

With a firm understanding of the inflationary model and observations of interstellar space it would only be fair for someone possessing this knowledge to call into question some of these anomalies.  Most recently the 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded to three scientists who have coined the term Cosmic Acceleration, attributing the expansion of the universe not to the accelerating state of celestial bodies, but to the fact that space itself were expanding outward at an accelerating rate, and the bodies contained within travel with space.  This is another great theory.  Obviously scientists are hungry for the truth.

There are a few concepts one needs to understand in order to process these theories.  Some of you may know the following, others may not.  If you’ve graduated high school and have an hour to Google a few things, then you should be good.  In subsequent versions of this document I will assist in teaching this material.

Understanding of why we believe the universe is expanding

–        You must understand Redshift – the Doppler-shift equivalent to electromagnetic waves (light waves)

–        Understand cosmic microwave background radiation (it’s pretty easy actually, just google it)

Mathematical concepts one must grasp

–        Gravitation is mathematically identical to and indistinguishable from Acceleration via the Equivalence Principle – Einstein 1911

Paradigm shift

–        Leave behind the notion that something must have a beginning and an end, this is a human need and not something helpful when considering space and time

–        Understand and embrace infinity (if you believe in God you’re already halfway there, although this may be difficult for most)

General Relativity

–        not essential for understanding, but is helpful in terms of understand the nuts and bolts of the theory